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Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association chevron_left Back to Search Results

Description: The all-volunteer Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association (CHAA) was born in 1985 at a small grass airstrip in Woodstock, Ontario, from the dreams of a handful of Harvard lovers who were determined to keep the legend of the Harvard alive. Today the aircraft collection is based at the nearby Tillsonburg Regional Airport and includes six flying Harvards, two under restoration, and a fully restored Yale. The Mission of the organization is to acquire, preserve, restore, maintain, display and demonstrate the Harvard and all other aircraft associated with the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan and the Royal Canadian Air Force.
 The Harvard flies today as a symbol and reminder of all who served to preserve our freedom, and as a living memorial to those who made the supreme sacrifice. It is one of the most proven aircraft ever built.
 Throughout the years of the Second World War, the roar of the legendary Harvard (Yellow Peril) echoed through the skies across Canada. Today there are fewer than 50 Harvards flying in Canada. We are proud that most of them are associated with us.
 CHAA is open to new members of all ages. We especially welcome members who want to be active in any facet of the association including maintenance, restorations, membership, event coordination, social media, etc. 
Address: 244411 Airport Rd, RR 7
City: Tillsonburg
Province: Ontario
PostalCode: N4G 4H1
Phone: (519) 842-9922


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