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Oxford County


Information Oxford

Millennium Trail System, Woodstock chevron_left Back to Search Results

Description: The Millenium Trail System includes trails developed and maintained by the City of Woodstock, Woodstock Rotary Club, Woodstock Lions Club and Youth Start. The trail follows the banks of the Thames River, through mixed hardwood and softwood forests, marshland and some retired agricultural areas, which are slated for reforestation. Hikers may spot the occasional deer, beaver, blue heron and other interesting wildlife. Black berries may be ripe for the picking. Though the trails are not connected at this time, they are in close proximity to each other. Although sections of the trail are under restoration, they can be used.
Address: Highway 59
City: Woodstock
Province: Ontario
PostalCode: xxx xxx
Phone: 519-539-2382 ext. 4101


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Oxford County

21 Reeve Street, P.O Box
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N4S 7Y3

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