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Operation Sharing ~ Woodstock chevron_left Back to Search Results

Description: Services that are offered through Operation Sharing:Chaplaincy: crisis counseling, home and hospital visits, advocacy, bible study, and spiritual support * secular and non-secular services offeredChristmas Place Store: Invitational opportunity to shop at minimal cost for familiesCoats for Kids / Adults: Donations of new and good condition used coats, boots, hats, and mitts for children and adults accepted year round * special winter outfitting events coordinated by Operation Sharing WoodstockThe Cynthia Anne Centre for Addictions: Individual counselling and group classesExtended Family Project: Comprised of an individual or family working to get out of poverty and a team of 2 to 3 volunteers * teams focus on interpersonal relationships and moving toward the realization of worthwhile goals * participants are encouraged and supported by volunteers * interactive training and ongoing support. Food for Friends: Families and individuals in need of emergency food assistance receive a specially designed food card in pre-determined denominations as an alternative or supplement to the food bank * individuals can use these cards to do their grocery shopping at any of the participating grocery stores in Woodstock and IngersollJackson's Fund: Program to help cover vet bills for people on fixed or low incomes.The Inn Oxford's Homeless Shelter: Provides shelter for homeless males and females 16 years and olderThe Meeting Place Drop-In Centre: Goal of The Meeting Place is to create a safe environment of trust * individuals can drop by for a cup of coffee, snacks, games, a light lunch and talk with staff and build a relationship with members to determine assistance requirements and referrals to community resources * food cards and other services also available through The Meeting Place * Program available in Ingersoll & Woodstock locations
Address: 22 Wilson St
City: Woodstock
Province: Ontario
PostalCode: N4S 3N4
Phone: 519-539-3361


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Oxford County

21 Reeve Street, P.O Box
1614, Woodstock, Ontario
N4S 7Y3

Tel: 519-539-9800
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