Rosanna Cemetery

145199 Potters RD
Norwich , Ontario
N0J 1E0
519-842-5618 (for plot/burial inquires only)

The earlies burial was in 1889. Rosanna Cemetery is located on Lot 18 Concession 11 of Norwich Township (formerly South Norwich Township) in Oxford County, Ontario. Take Potter's Road east out of Tillsonburg. The cemetery is 2 kilometers. east of County Road # 13. In the1890s, in order to obtain postal service, families in the area along the eleventh concession between lots 14 and 20 in South Norwich Township had to gather together to decide a name for their community. The name Rosehill was chosen and applied for but another village by that name was already in existence. The name Rosanna was offered and in 1896 a Post Office opened and mail arrived from Courtland twice weekly. In 1912 School debuted in Rosanna in 1865 and a new building was constructed in 1895 just east of the cemetery. In 1908 the Canadian Order of Foresters remodeled and took over the new school. The first church was erected in 1884 by the Evangelical Methodists. Soon after the local people gathered together to build a brick faced structure they called the Calvary Church.
