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Oxford County


Information Oxford

University of Guelph chevron_left Back to Search Results

Description: The University of Guelph offers over 94 undergraduate degrees, plus options for minors, and 48 graduate programs, including interdepartmental options, from the Faculties of Agriculture, Arts, Biological Science, Physical and Engineering Science, Social and Applied Human Sciences, and the Ontario Veterinary College. Study abroad opportunities are provided by the University including a unique program in which students, along with University of Guelph faculty, spend a semester in another country learning within a group, rather than a classroom, environment. Additionally, the University of Guelph and Humber College in Toronto offer students the chance to earn a a post-secondary degree and diploma in 4 years through jointly managed programs in Academic Philosophy, Business, Computing Co-op, Early Childhood Education and Services, Family and Community Social Services, Justice Studies, and Media Studies. Associate diploma degrees of 2 years in length are also available at the University of Guelph in Agriculture, Environmental Management, Food, Nutrition, and Risk Management, Horticulture, Turf-grass Management, and Veterinary Technology. Students who earn an associate degree can transfer to an undergraduate degree program with advanced standing of up to 1 year's worth of credits. Certificate and diploma programs are also offered for Food, Horticulture, and Landscaping through distance education.
Address: 50 Stone Rd E
City: Guelph
Province: Ontario
PostalCode: N1G 2W1
Phone: 519-824-4120


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Oxford County

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