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Oxford County

Information Oxford

1909 Culinary Academy chevron_left Back to Search Results

Description: Chef training facility - Our difference is in our rural location, the time spent in the field to cultivate fruits and vegetables, our small class size, and a flexible, part time schedule that each student can customize to meet their own personal needs and goals. Click below to find out more about the unique opportunity of studying at the 1909 Culinary Academy. Learn about: Sanitation, Safety & Equipment * Basic Nutrition * Basic Communications * Basic Calculations * Kitchen Management * Basic Food Theory * Bake Theory * Basic Culinary Techniques * Techniques of Baking * Quantity Food Preparation * International Cuisine * Cheese Making * Dietary Restrictions * Butchery * Brick Wood Fired Ovens * Authentic Southern BBQ Techniques * Horticulture * Charcuterie & Sausage Making * Food, Beverage & Labour Cost Controls * Advanced Communication * Advanced Calculations * Advanced Food Theory * Pastry, Desserts & Related Theory * Advanced Culinary Techniques * Cuisine-A La Carte *
Address: 5183 Trussler Road
City: Ayr
Province: Ontario
PostalCode: N0B 1E0
Phone: 226-336-1909


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Oxford County

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N4S 7Y3

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